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For each student at All Saints Academy, music plays a vital role in his/her academic journey. Beginning in third grade, all students begin playing the violin and have the opportunity to progress to the viola, cello and other stringed instruments during their career at All Saints. Our strings program offers numerous performance opportunities for all students to showcase their talents as part of on-campus events as well as auditioned groups like Florida Orchestra Association, All-State, and All-County Orchestras. Students also create and participate in chamber ensembles to encourage collaboration.

Some students arrive at All Saints Academy with significant playing and performing experience and find themselves among a group of peers with similar musical backgrounds. Equally, other students arrive at All Saints Academy ready to discover new musical experiences and develop new musical skills. Beginning in 3rd grade, all students begin playing the violin and have the opportunity to progress to the viola, cello and other stringed instruments during their career at All Saints. The teacher and student work together to determine which instrument is the best permanent fit.