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Lower School

Lower School

Children are born naturally curious and inquisitive, constantly exploring the world around them, asking questions, and seeking knowledge and understanding.  In Lower School at All Saints Academy, we believe in fostering this natural curiosity of children–from our littlest learners in PS2 to our Grade 5 students– to provide a wealth of opportunities for children to engage in meaningful and authentic learning.  Our core subject curricula set high standards for student learning and growth and provide a strong foundation for students to be challenged and excel in their learning throughout their academic career.  Students are given opportunities for hands-on learning experiences that allow them to actively engage in their learning in a deeper and more meaningful way.  We also understand and appreciate that our students are diverse and come to us with a variety of experiences, interests, and understandings.  Our knowledgeable teachers are able to differentiate their instructions to support the needs of each student, allowing him/her to maximize their potential.  

In Lower School, we believe strongly in educating the whole child and providing environments for children to excel in a variety of pursuits.  Our programming includes enrichment classes each day where the students can engage in and explore art, computer science, physical education, Spanish, music–including strings, and media.  It is also important that we support not only the academic needs but also the social and emotional development of our learners, and this happens in many ways in Lower School–from the supportive and nurturing relationships that students build with their teachers to the support and guidance students will receive from our school counselor to weekly chapel services and connection with our school chaplain.  As students actively engage in the varied learning experiences that we offer in Lower School, they grow and develop academically, spiritually, and emotionally as they learn to think critically, collaborate with others in productive and positive ways, and seek creative solutions to problems.  

In Lower School at All Saints Academy, we truly believe that the minds of our young learners are wonderful–naturally curious and inquisitive– and we strive each day to create a positive and supportive learning environment that inspires our students and helps them to grow in their academics, in their character, and in their readiness for the world beyond the walls of Lower School.  Our Lower School community truly embodies the All Saints Academy mission: inspiring independent thinkers, principled leaders, and humble learners.